Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Geek summer song is going to petar – The 40

Summer is not really summer if no geek song. It is a tradition of the summer months and it seems that this year there is already a topic which is perfect to fill this position candidate.

This is We are going to petar a song Joan De Son Rapinya in just one week has passed the half-million views on their YouTube channel .

The youtuber takes over 6 years up videos, but has been with this video clip which has swept across all social networks. In fact, it all started when Anda and we did echo of this song and wanted to make it the great song of the summer. And we’re getting.

Of course, We are going to petar has all the skills necessary to become a summer hit features. The letter is absurd, the chorus is catchy, the choreography can be easily removed and the author is funny. What more could you ask for?

Who is Joan De Son Rapinya?

It is a character. Actually, who hides behind this name is Juan Antonio Bermudez, a Majorcan 48 years is not even inhabitant of Son Rapinya. His nickname chose years ago when presenting a comedy show on the radio.

It was all a coincidence, since as has assured the artist for publishing Verne, decided to call it that because it was just past his car by a sign pointing the village of Son Rapinya.

He started his Youtube channel at the request of his son. When the boy was 13 years laughed a lot with his father and was his own son who recorded him. Actually it owns a shop in Palma Nova, although now much of his time is dedicated to his more humorous side.

His first success was The taka taka cobra, an issue that has more than 8 million views.


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