Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A natural landscape for Shakespeare – El Diario de Yucatan



SAN SEBASTIAN (EFE) .- San Sebastian yesterday released “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, a beautiful and evocative outdoor adaptation of Shakespeare’s play, as part of its artistic offer to be the European Capital of culture 2016.

the installation is a production of Tanttaka Theatre and Donostia, directing Fernando Bernués and Inaki Rikarte, and has a perfect ally, Cristina Enea, one of the most beautiful parks in San Sebastian, outside the tourist circuits and next to Tabakalera, International Contemporary Culture Centre of the city.

This version of the Shakespearean piece maintains the classic passages of the magical world of the forest and certain licenses is taken to bring the protagonists in this case Demetrius, Hermia, and Helena Lisandra to a modern world where relationships are possible unthinkable four centuries ago.

in eleven spaces park scenes happen this traveling adaptation , which starts with the feast of the frustrated wedding Demetrius and Hermia, whose guests are the viewers themselves.

in assembly, the public is not a mere observer, because it is part of the wedding party the theatrical plot, which was served the day before the first rehearsal, attended by the media and neighborhood residents of Egia, where is Cristina Enea.

Three-of inputs “txangurro “avocado rolls salad-, lamb roasted right there and apple pie opened a menu prepared by the prestigious firm Bokado, which follows the story of the loving process and partitioned baskets to share in pairs, where two cups to waiting for wine and bread in the form of heart.

“Peta Zetas” and other ingredients surprise that the waiters deposited on dishes made to revive the diner feelings of flirtation, looks, fondling, tickle, first kisses and “burning flesh” by passion.

While the public had dinner on the stage occurred the first act of the play, which ends with the flight of Hermia and Lisandra, in a Lambretta, into the forest to a world of fairies and juices flower magical effects, that entangle those who pursue love.

the public has also delved into that dark place, but before received a character created “ad hoc”, Cristina Enea, the fire that protects you from danger and allowed him to see without being seen.

from there, the viewer lived a fairly faithful version of the text of Shakespeare in a stage of an exquisite aesthetic, where there is also room for dance.

opening doors to an open space, dream scenarios that rise with vegetation, a wardrobe installed next to the large cedar Cristina Enea , one of the jewels of the park, and a giant and inclined bed are some of the proposals of this “a Midsummer night’s Dream”, which was Ikerne Gimenez for design, set design and costumes.

Gorka Otxoa (Demetrius), Aitziber Garmendia (Hermia), Miren Gaztañaga (Lisandra) and Sara Cozar and Vito Rogado, who play Helena, one in the version in Basque and one in Castilian, head the cast of this production, in which also involves Ramon Agirre, Josean Bengoetxea, Mikel Laskurain, Jose Ramon Soroiz, Aitor Beltran, Itziar Atienza and Joseba Apaolaza, among others.

A total of 140 people make up the team of this production, which time and has the honor of being the first Shakespeare in Basque history, language that spoke yesterday at the premiere of the season.

the directors and actors were more than satisfied brand with poster no tickets.

he looked Bernués also excited at the end of the function. “This is a work of passion and only thanks to the passion of many people this has been possible,” he said.

Forecasts of bad weather

the season of “a Midsummer night’s Dream” in San Sebastián is 30 functions and by offering outdoor, the threat of rain is dormant, so the producers informed that if rains arrive, the function will be canceled and would return tickets



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