Sunday, June 26, 2016

Moonfall is the new Roland Emmerich disaster – Tomatazos (Record)

The director of Independence Day: Counterattack, Roland Emmerich, has a new science fiction project at hand, so Deadline confirmed on their official site. Moonfall is the name of the next film by German director for Universal and whose plot centers on a group of misfits who somehow are intended to prevent the moon crash into planet Earth.

the script was written by the same Emmerich , Harald Kloser and Spencer Cohen . Kloser previously collaborated with the director in 2012 and this time we will offer a mix of 2012 and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Of course there is another dozen films with a similar premise, but remember that if someone knows how to use the CGI to destroy the world that is Roland Emmerich .

What about them Moonfall sounds?


Adrian Rodriguez is a writer and creator of content, fond of science fiction in all its forms. Follow him on Twitter at @adrianxxrod


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