Saturday, June 18, 2016

More than 500 thousand people will walk on water by Christo –

It is a fascinating and ephemeral idea. A 81 year old Bulgarian artist created a system of floating walkways that allows you to walk on water. What is the name the artist? Christo.

The “floating piers” were inaugurated today on Lake Iseo in northern Italy. And thousands of people and began to move.

220,000 are formed by cubes of high density polyethylene were linked together and anchored to slabs concrete sunk at the bottom of lake. In turn, the walkways are covered with a fabric that changes color according to the light : yellow gold may go red. And they undulate with the movement of the waves or when people walk on them. are expected to visit the work 500 thousand people.

“it’s like being in a boat sways, it’s fun” , described the first visitors.

For more than 50 years, Christo made some 22 monumental works , most of them with his wife Jeanne-Claude, who died in 2009.

in 2005 installed doors vinyl long 37 kilometers of Central Park.

In 1995 they covered German parliament with aluminum

In 1983 surrounded 11 islands in Miami with pink polypropylene


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