Detail document attesting to Miguel de Cervantes as collector of Hacienda Real in La Puebla de Cazalla.
The work, almost detective, an archivist of La Puebla de Cazalla, a municipality Seville countryside, has shed light on unknown aspects of the biography of Miguel de Cervantes. The finding four unpublished documents in various archives sheds new light on his work as a collector of the Royal Treasury and the possibility that a fourth woman had in her life.
Hair José Nuñez, manager of the Municipal Archives La Puebla de Cazalla, encountered by chance three years ago with a manuscript of March 5, 1593 in which Cervantes was credited to the City of La Puebla supplies as commissioner of the Royal Navy commissioned by the supplier of the Indies fleet Cristóbal de Barros. The work of the novelist was to raise wheat and barley to supply the fleet of Philip II. “The document is important because it proves that Cervantes was in La Puebla, which was previously unknown, and relates first with Christopher de Barros, who was the owner who built the ships that participated in the Battle of Lepanto, in Cervantes also fought, besides being generally galleons supplier for the Navy and the fleet race Indies “as commented Monday the researcher who discovered the first manuscript among the thousands of documents of La Puebla de 1543-1894 deposited Notarial Archives in the District of Moron de la Frontera.
“By order and mandate Xpobal de Barros, probeedor of armed galleons of the Indies, this villa bino Miguel de Cervantes Sayabedra to take tribute desta vassals of town for probeymiento of these galleons (…) we are agreed and arranged with the sheriff to give you that hundred and thirty bushels of wheat and twenty bushels of barley which is content and satisfies all the diversities in this town could do, “says the document is kept in the Notarial Archives of Morón.
” All these bundles are preserved thanks to the nineteenth century an order forcing the City of La Puebla to deposit all notary documents Morón [as head of party], since the rest of the file of La Puebla was burned during the Civil War. In 2002, to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the issuance of the letter to La Puebla de Cazalla by Count of Ureña, all those documents and I’ve been reading and classifying recent years were microfilmed, “says Hair Nunez, who from of that first discovery began to pull a string that has led him to locate three files relating to the father of the modern novel, who spent 10 years in the province of Seville, in 1587-1597, when the Andalusian capital was one of the most important cities in the world.
The relation of novelist Christopher de Barros Hair Nunez led to the Archivo General de Indias in Seville, where Barros found a warrant dated November 1593 which ordered paying a salary of 19,200 maravedis, “a pretty decent amount for its time,” says the researcher, for 48 days of service as “curator” of the Royal Treasury raising taxes in several municipalities in the province of Seville. “Also in the Archives of the Indies I located another document which clarifies that Cervantes made this service between 21 February and 28 April 1593 But, in my opinion, the most interesting finding is the power that I found in the File Notarial Protocols of Seville, in which Cervantes gives power to Magdalena Enriquez, a woman who had never before appeared related to the writer, to collect his salary. document is the only one of four that is signed by him, ” says the municipal archivist, who has written two articles, both pending publication, which includes all the work in recent years
The novelist granted a power Enriquez Magdalena a biscuit mixture of Seville, to redeem your salary
“This opens the door to new research that could provide more light . the biography of the author of Don Quixote So far only knew of the existence of three important women in his life: Ana Franca de Rojas, with whom he had a natural daughter, Isabel de Saavedra; Catalina de Salazar y Palacios, whom he married in 1584, and Jerónima Alarcón, one of whom Cervantes Seville listed as guarantor and payer of houses in 1589, “says the researcher.
” This woman Magdalena Enriquez, just know it was born in Seville and biscuit mixture. She made the cupcakes, the unleavened bread that was baked twice to last for months, with the boats supplied before sailing to America. She was a widow, because otherwise they could not have done a power to his name, and have some kind of relationship with Cervantes when he signed a power of attorney to collect his salary, since he had to leave for a new assignment and no could expect to collect, “says Núñez Hair.
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