Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Vera:’Nos make you feel how cheap it is killed or injured in … – The Province – Journal of Las Palmas

Promotion creates a program of comprehensive assistance for future disasters

The president of the association of victims of Flight Spanair JK5022, Pilar Vera believes the insurer Mapfre sees “the Court Chaos “benefits” their interests to fatten their bottom line “and felt the victims” so disgustingly cheap that it killed or injured in Spain by plane. ” Vera is so pronounced in the commemoration in Barajas airport the sixth anniversary of the accident that killed 154 people on August 20, 2008, an act that was attended by the Minister for Public Works, Ana Pastor.

The president of the association affected which will continue to fight for victims charged the compensation awarded to them and, above all, measures and protocols that allow thorough investigation of air accidents are in place.

In his speech, Vera explained that the victims are still struggling to collect the insurance policy Mapfre, undertaking over which said “the moral is not its reference value.” “The families we will doomed to litigate inequality infinite resources of a powerful multinational as Mapfre, you see how the legal chaos that we subjected the Spanish justice extraordinarily benefits their interests to fatten their bottom line,” he said.

Then added that the victims felt “so disgustingly cheap that is killed or injured in Spain on a plane.” He explained Mapfre seeks only to pay 12 million euros to those affected, which is the amount you pay in a year his counselors, “for once sit a month” on the board, “go eat and make them gifts” . “A year in the life counselor Mapfre is worth to them all lives” that were lost in the accident, he said.

The representative of the victims said his goal is not money and transmitted to the insurance that those affected are “greedy” and “mourn” their dead but not by their claims. “We curse the money. There is no money in the world to pay us what they have done to us,” said


The president of the association of victims affected which will have to do justice and that “no You can go unpunished or forgotten tragedy. ” He recalled that his main goal is “transparency and research of the great tragedies independently.”

At the airport of Barajas, Pilar Vera demanded that the plane crashes are investigated by extraordinary means, in National Court, both in criminal proceedings as civil. In addition, the president of the association requested the Ministry of Public Works to issue a report on the compatibility of the members of the Accident Investigation Commission of Civil Aviation (CIAIAC), considering that these commissions are “not independent” but “opaque and unreliable. “

Vera recalled that the last member appointed to the CIAIAC five months ago, resigned for” incompatibility “, which should determine whether the rest also incur the same and in In that case, “get the hell out.” In this line of argument he said that many members of the CIAIAC are “teachers and early retirees” and stressed that “a plane crash has many interests,” and therefore “can not talk about independence.”

In fact the Minister of Development, Ana Pastor, announced that in the coming months will present at the Congress of Deputies State Safety Programme, known as WEIGHT, whose main objective is to create a framework for consultation, cooperation and prevention continuing to provide comprehensive care in case an air casualty. The program will allow for a comprehensive management system “all deviations that may be on safety,” he claimed.

The minister greeted his arrival to the families of the victims and survivors who gathered in the place that developed the first acts of memories celebrated and encouraged the association to continue their struggle, which, according to Pastor own recalled, has already yielded results in Spain and in Europe.

After the first event, held in an olive tree located outside the airport terminal 2, families went into the airfield, the area known as La Paloma, where they also laid flowers.

Many faults are present

The Spanish Union of Airline Pilots (Sepla) said yesterday that “many of the failures that led to the tragedy are now present in aviation. ” The union said in a statement that the recommendations made by the Commission for Investigation of Accidents and Incidents of Civil Aviation (CIAIAC), contained in the final report published three years ago, “have been answered only in part by the bodies to which they were directed “. According to the pilots, only 15 of the 33 recommendations have been answered, and including six -related with changes in the alarm system misconfiguration takeoff (TOWS) – are ranked by the CIAIAC as “unsatisfactory”. This piece, which would have alerted the pilots that the plane was not ready to take off, missed the day of the accident. Deviations from the changes proposed by the commission “allowed to continue flying planes like the MD 80 crashed at Barajas without any change in the TOWS” warned the pilots union. Efe


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