Friday, August 22, 2014

Shakira’s representatives deny plagiarism – La Voz de Galicia

When Shakira started singing Crazy , and the song became number 1 in Latin America, Europe and USA, the singer certainly would not expect him four years later accuse of plagiarism. This happened when a federal judge in New York, confirmed yesterday that the Colombian singer copied the theme Ramon Arias Vasquez, who had the rights in the name of producer Mayimba Music.

However, the representatives of Colombia have been quick to deny these allegations. As recorded The Universe , representatives say the singer “Shakira presented her Loca your tiguere (Dominican merengue) El Cata. I was not aware they had additional participants in song and demand was not directed at her personally. ” The producer of the singer, Sony / ATV has also defended the artist stressing he has not committed any offense and that “even was the defendant ‘directly.

The judge setencia does affect El Cata, whom the judge guilt of having copied the song to Arias Vásquez nine years after its first publication.

Shakira versionó theme in 2010 in El Cata from their album, Sale el Sol , in which the singer was working on the same subject in Spanish.

The song Crazy Shakira is based on the version of El Cata and was part of their 2010 album Sale el Sol. This production included two versions of the theme of Dominican merengue, one in English and one in Spanish. El Cata Shakira recorded with the popular Spanish version. According to The Universe is not the first time Shakira is linked to a copyright issue. In 2005, his song Hips Do not Lie , unauthorized included a chorus of the song Carnival Dominican Luis Terror Days. The parties reached an agreement and the case did not reach courts.

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