Monday, August 25, 2014

Death of Richard Attenborough – Objective

 attenborough-death Another sad farewell we have to announce related to the entertainment industry, and in particular with the guild film as one of the great personalities who were still among us , as was the British Richard Attenboroug that interspersed functions as an actor and director, died Sunday at age 90. He left recognized as ‘Brighton Rock’ 1947 work, ‘The Great Escape’ 1963 and ‘Jurassic Park’ 1993

Many remember the family relationship with the famous naturalist Sir David Attenborough, who was his brother. In addition to knowing his death, British Prime Minister David Cameron paid tribute tribute to the artist by a statement that the British official commented, “Her performance in ‘Brighton Rock was brilliant, your’ Gandhi ‘was amazing. Richard Attenborough was one of the best in the film. “

It is expected that on Monday, the family of the late artist issued a statement related to everything that revolves around the sad loss, the next day 29 would have turned 91. As director took fame and recognition after directing the film ‘Gandhi’ in 1982 getting thanks to her two Oscars.

We learned thanks to “The Guardian” that Richard Attenboroug lived since 2013 in a nursing home in West London and moved using a wheelchair since suffering a stroke five years ago that kept him in a coma for several days and never recovered. Recognition for one of the greats of world cinema

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More news on : stroke, Brighton Rock, David Attenborough, Gandhi, The Great Escape, London, Oscar, Oscar 2014, Jurassic Park, Richard Attenboroug, wheelchair

August 25, 2014 <- by target -> |

More news on: stroke, Brighton Rock, David Attenborough, Gandhi, The Great Escape, London, Oscar, Oscar 2014 Jurassic Park, Richard Attenboroug, wheelchair


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