Friday, August 22, 2014

The “kidnapping” Whip Hollande – The Reason

RADICAL CHANGE. Between the Houellebecq seen in Madrid a few years ago and yesterday posing with his long unkempt hair and bare arms under a thin jacket, seems decades away. has 56 RADICAL CHANGE. Between Houellebecq seen in Madrid a few years ago and yesterday posing with his long unkempt hair and bare arms under a thin jacket, seems decades away. Is 56 years old

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With Michel Houellebecq (Isla Session, 1958) is inherently difficult to distinguish the real subject of the fictional writer created in his novels. A game that comes from lending itself “Platform” and “The Elementary Particles”. Is boring bourgeois middle-aged have the idea, if only in his head, creating a sex tourism agency …


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