Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Spanish justice closes the door to a referendum in Catalonia – Terra Peru

The Spanish Constitutional Court confirmed Wednesday that the referendum on self-determination can not be arranged from the regions, confirming the suspension of a law of the Catalan parliament to cover a vote on the independence of Catalonia.

its decision, the court deemed unlawful Catalan law of September 26, 2014, designed to regulate consultations, and a day later decree signed by Artur Mas, President of this great region of the northeast, calling for a vote on the independence on November 9, 2014.

The consultation was suspended on September 29 by this court at the request of the Spanish government, if only as a precautionary measure until the matter be studied thoroughly.

More renounced his referendum but remained a purely symbolic without consultation electoral roll for the Catalans who wanted it could review the future of a region with 7.5 million inhabitants and a fifth of the country’s wealth, in full independence boom.

It was attended by about 2.3 million people, and 80% were in favor of separation from Spain.

” The ruling reverses the provisions governing the convening by the Generalitat de Catalunya general inquiries on the grounds that, under that name, it really is regulated are referendums, whose jurisdiction is exclusive to the State “Spanish, summed cabinet communication of the court in a statement.

This resolution reaffirms the arguments of the head of the conservative Spanish government, Mariano Rajoy, strongly opposed this scrutiny illegal. “It is very important that governments fulfill the law,” said Wednesday the matter.

Unable to hold a referendum, Mas announced earlier this year a snap regional elections on September 27 the which aims to give a plebiscitary character waiting independence obtain an absolute majority.

“That means just leave us a way to consult the people of Catalonia, which is in the form of elections,” But after meeting Case


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