ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / With all their boundless creativity and unique ways “Street Art” (Art Street) is the basic argument of communicative project that is part of the Annual Management Report 2014 Pirelli.
The Brazilian artist Marina Zumi, German and Russian Alexey Dome Luka, three of the most interesting names in the new world of street art, have interpreted the tire, illustrating a single facility with three works: a truncated pyramid, about five meters high with three sides, each with over twenty square meters, which can be seen from 26 to 28 February in HangarBicocca in Milan, Italy. The paper includes a communicative tradition that has become a hallmark of Pirelli’s corporate culture.
For the first time ever, Pirelli has chosen this particular form of expression because the street, mobility and multiculturalism, which are typical of street art features, are also part of their culture. It is in the streets and roads, and the need for people to move, the tires have meaning.
Throughout its history, often illustrated Pirelli tires not only in terms of its function, but also out of their context, which has allowed him to conjure worlds, values, aspirations and dreams able to give a “rubber soul “an object that might seem nothing more than a black circular object. A product that is actually not easy to do and it embodies technology and innovation is the result of talent and passion of people who do.
This has been highlighted by the work of countless artists who, over the course of the twentieth century, became the tires on a string (Ezio Bonini), a lion and an elephant (Armando Testa), hat (Alessandro Mendini) and an eye, an umbrella and a hat (Riccardo Manzi). In recent years, the tires have appeared as a shelter from rain and as musical instruments and goggles to look to the future (Stefan Glerum). Today the tire is continuing its journey and through the Street Art has become a moon of Marina Zumi, the protagonist of a gesture of love for the vault, and a union between cultures by Alexey Luka.
In 2010, the Report of Pirelli was embellished with images of photography students of the New Academy of Fine Arts in Milan in 2011, with illustrations by illustrator Stefan Glerum and texts of the philosopher Hans Magnus Enzensberger and writers Guillermo Martínez, William Least Heat -moon and Javier Cercas; in 2012, in an edition that was awarded the “Certificate of Typographic Excellence” by the Type Directors Club of New York, with caricatures of Liza Donnelly, New Yorker cartoonist daily; Finally, the Report 2013, 10 international young talents, coordinated by the writer and screenwriter Hanif Kureishi, worked on the concept of the wheel, each of the “reinvented” through their own discipline.
In the 2014 Report, the work of these urban artists appear not only in the form of printed images, but in a series of video in the digital version, narrate the project and the work of its protagonists.
The “Street Art” explains Christian Omodeo, an expert in the field and artistic creator of the project, “often described as a new vanguard, as an international coherent artistic movement and expression of a unique culture young. Actually , what makes street art so revolutionary is that it is a multicultural community involved in a constant daily interaction anywhere between different worldviews. Street artists do not look to some overall artistic level, but adapted his artistic language geographical, cultural and social context in the city they are in. At the same time, do not have a treaty relationship with the urban space. Go beyond the limits of common sense, exploring the forgotten areas of our cities and unconsciously brings back to life the non-places, according to the French sociologist Marc Augé, tend to make life in the contemporary metropolis is so alienating. This dynamism, energy and ability to bring things to life by removing a potential that most people do not realize, is something I see clearly in the narrative skills Pirelli, as well as its industry focus “.
Along with the artists in the presentation was Marco Tronchetti Provera, Chairman and CEO of Pirelli, Antonio Calabro Director, Senior Advisor Pirelli Culture, art critic Achille Bonito Oliva, and Christian Omodeo, art expert and curator Street artistic project.
The initiative on social networks: #TakePArt
For the occasion, Pirelli launched an initiative called #TakePArt social networking. This campaign aims to involve visitors HangarBicocca to take pictures of the work of the three street artists and share them on social networks with the hashtag #TakePArt. The most original photographs were published in the accounts in social networks Pirelli. Because each individual vision is essentially a work of art.
See also www.mundinews.com | www.eldiscoduro.com | www.tipsfemeninos. com | www.economia-venezuela.com | www.politica-venezuela.com | www.enlasgradas.com | www.cualquiervaina.com | www.espiasdecocina.com | www.videojuegosmania.com
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