Saturday, January 3, 2015

‘Silence’ is the new film by Pedro Almodóvar – Al Momento News

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 DOCU_GRUPO Spanish Director Almodovar attends the Museum of Modern Art's fourth annual Film Benefit in New York MADRID , SPAIN; January 3 ( Al Momento News ) .- The following Spanish film director Pedro Almodóvar is called “Silence” and is at the preliminary stage.

So the director to British newspaper The Financial Times, which stated that his project will be a powerful drama and will return to the cinema of great female protagonists reported by

During the interview., the director said that the script is finished, so the project was filmed in April.

In the interview, Almodóvar said the casting was closed and called it complicated, because the script does not work with traditional protagonists.

The Spanish named his new movie like Silence “because it is the main element that guides the worst things that happen to the main character.”

Pedro Almodóvar premiered in 1980 his first feature known as Pepi, Lucy, Bom and Other Girls Like Mom; with silence, the filmmaker makes a radical change in the genre of his latest film, Passenger lovers, as it passes from comedy to drama.



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