Sunday, January 4, 2015

Discover tomb of unknown pharaoh in Egypt –

She was found by Czech archaeologists in the necropolis of Abu Sir, southeast of Cairo

The Egyptian government reported that archaeologists unearthed the tomb of an unknown queen who reigned during the V Dynasty pharaohs 4,500 years ago.

The Minister of Antiquities of Egypt said that the tomb was discovered by Czech archaeologists in the necropolis of Abu Sir, southeast of Cairo.

The woman was identified by inscriptions on his tomb as “Jintakus III” and the reliefs on the walls of the tomb is identified as “Woman King” and “the mother of the king”.

This led experts to suggest that Jintakus III may be the wife of Ra nephrotic Ef, of which very little information, and the mother of Pharaoh Menkahur.

In the excavations were also discovered thirty utensils limestone and copper as part of funerary equipment.

The head of the Czech experts said the finding will shed light on unknown aspects of the V Dynasty (2500-2350 BC), which together with the IV witnessed the construction of the first pyramids


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