Monday, January 5, 2015

“Language is the most faithful mirror of the changes of man” – LaRepú

Edgar Avila Perez. EFE.
Xalapa (Mexico)
Sergio Pitol, writer, diplomat and translator also gave an interview at his home in Xalapa, capital of the Mexican state of Veracruz, surrounded by two large dogs, “Homer” and “Lola” the author of The Art of Fugue rescued from an animal shelter.
The writer moves like a fish in water in its labyrinthine house. Up and down stairs, walking through corridors and winds through a town of 12,000 books and objects that remind your friends, your life and the Cervantes Prize nomadic space.
To compensate for his dysphasia, a condition that causes severe difficulty in articulating words, yet they are “fully lucid and aware of his will an d his acts,” according to his relatives, Pitol respond in writing to the questionnaire Efe.
In their responses detailed that ” just when he began “disease” working on a novel that would be called The Triumph of women and was located in an immediately preceding the Second Empire era “when Maximilian of Habsburg ruled Mexico (1863-1867).
In the interview pays tribute to great figures of his generation died in recent months as Gabriel García Márquez, the Argentine Juan Gelman or the Mexican José Emilio Pacheco, who appreciates having bequeathed “a rich work that transformed the language root”.
ferrous defender of language, is optimistic about its future, despite current difficulties. “I think we live in a time buried by the incredible amount of information that moves every day,” says Pitol, for whom the challenge of future generations will “define, define, create a syntax for that wild language is the internet “.
In his view, the language” may seek to trivialize it, ban it, to annihilate a whole rhetoric devoid of imagination, but this always resurface, it changes with every step, constituting the most faithful mirror of changes man. “
” Pedro Salinas wrote that man did language; but then the language, with all its complex symbols, helped make the man. The future of language is linked to our future as a species, “he concludes.
Also attached to the future of humanity are the youth and protest movements, he knows well the adventures with his friend in his younger Monsivais .
“The role of youth is always crucial for any season. In recent months we have witnessed its power, its power to mobilize a society that is in a very delicate moment, “he says.
More specifically refers to the 43 Mexican students disappeared three months ago in the state of Guerrero on the coordinated action between corrupt local authorities and organized crime, which has rocked the national and international public opinion. Pitol qualify what happened as “the greatest tragedy of recent decades” in Mexico.
“As the EZLN (Zapatista Army of National Liberation) in 1994 meant the breakdown Ayotzinapa image (which was, in this If, in the minds of our politicians) of a country reforms progressed towards progress, stability, “he says.
Back in the literature, Pitol remember that all his works were written by hand on paper, because it has always considered that the pen is an extension of your arm and himself.
In a huge bookcase in her bedroom are all his works written in Spanish and translated into Italian, Russian, English, Hungarian, Chinese, Polish and Arabic. Among them, The Love Parade, Taming Heron Trilogy divine and memory are her favorite “for pleasure” he felt when writing confesses Pitol, which nevertheless shows maverick.
“ ;There are writers that publish a book they see something as definitive, which can not movérsele one iota “but” the job never ends, “he remarks.
unsuspected corners of your home appear memories of his travels in Paris, Warsaw, Budapest , Moscow, Prague, Rome, Beijing and Barcelona. Excited, displays images that evoke the year 2005, when he received the Cervantes from King Juan Carlos, poses for photographers with steamer trunks and graciously dismissed from the balcony of his house. ❧


Italian singer dies Pino Daniele – Prensa Libre

ROMA – The musician, who would have turned 60 next March, started accusing heart attack symptoms last Sunday

He was transferred. rushed to Sant Eugenio hospital in the Italian capital, which came in very serious health conditions and where finally died, reports said.

With thirty recording projects and with his raspy voice and air melancholic, Pino Daniele (Naples, 1955) was one of the most famous singers of Italy.

Pino Daniele
The Italian singer Pino Daniele participated in April 2010 in Nat Geo Music Live concert to commemorate Earth Day held in Rome, Italy. (Photo Prensa Libre: EFE)

His style flowed between rock, blues and jazz and lyrics had a strong message of social criticism, especially directed to his native Naples <. / p>

The first reaction came from his friend the singer Eros Ramazzotti, who published a condolence message on his official Facebook profile.

Also Pino has left us. I want to remember with a smile as I write, I cry. I’ll love you forever because you were pure and true, and a great artist. Thanks for everything (what) you have given me, brother, always be in my heart , wrote.

Laura Pausini
with Pino Daniele during a concert. (Photo Prensa Libre: Taking

What did the singer Laura Pausini ‘ll stay with us. , your Epiphanes, forever, Pino Daniele. With your unique art. And this photo is for me to thank you for letting me know closely. By sing with you , said with a photograph of both artists in a joint concert.

The Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, also regretted loss musician with a beautiful guitar and a rare sensitivity .

still rings in my ears New Year’s Eve music. An incredible voice, not only of Naples and the South but throughout Italy. A beautiful guitar, a rare sensitivity, passion and melancholy, continue counting worldwide on our country , also posted on Facebook.

For his part, Mayor Naples, Luigi de Magistris, has declared mourning in the city, where institutional flags are flying at half mast at the town hall, the palace San Giacomo.



Italian singer died Pino Daniele – BBC

  • January 5, 2015


Pino Daniele
Pino Daniele during a concert in Milan in 2004.

The Italian singer Pino Daniele, known for its success Meta Nero (Black halfway), died Sunday night at the age of 59 years.

Star’s music scene as Eros Ramazzotti and Laura Pausini have paid tribute.

One of the most celebrated singers of Italy, the musical work of Daniele spanned several genres, including pop, blues, jazz and folk music of his country.

Born in Naples in 1955, the musician accused discomfort Sunday night and died of a heart attack at his home in Tuscany.


Pharaonic tomb discovered queen, Khentkawes III that lived … – Digital Journal Juárez

AFP | The tomb would date from the middle of the V dynasty (2494-2345 before Christ)

AFP | Sunday January 4th, 2015 | 21:58 hrs

The Czech archaeologists discovered Cairo- Egypt tomb of a queen hitherto unknown, “Khentkawes III” wife of a pharaoh of the V dynasty that reigned about 4000 500 years ago, said Sunday the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities.

“For the first time, we discover the name of this queen unknown until the discovery of his grave, “said Minister of Antiquities, Mamdouh to Damaty in a statement.

The tomb was discovered in the southwest of Cairo, Abu Sir, home to several pyramids of pharaohs of this dynasty that reigned in Upper Egypt about 2000 500 years before our era.

This discovery “will help us understand some unknown aspects of the V dynasty, which together with the Fourth Dynasty witnessed the construction of the first pyramids “said the minister.

The tomb would date from the middle of the V Dynasty (2494-2345 BC), according to a ministry official.

She was found in the funerary complex Neferefre, a pharaoh of Dynasty V, said the director of the Czech archaeological mission, Miroslav Barta, adding that “this suggests that the queen was the wife of Neferefre”.

The archaeologists also found along the utensils tomb of everyday life, 24 limestone and four copper as well as wall inscriptions made by the workers of the tomb, including the name and titles of the queen, the statement said.

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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Pedro Almodóvar’s next film is called ‘Silence’ – The Costa Rica Nation


The next film by Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar be titled, Silence , and is in “preliminary stage,” he told EFE filmmaker brother, Agustín Almodóvar.

In an interview with the Financial Times, at the premiere London’s musical Women on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown , Pedro Almodóvar this newspaper revealed some details about his next feature, which confirmed his brother to the news agency EFE .

The project is in “preliminary stage” in a month or two is widely inform all said the producer Agustín Almodóvar, founder the production company El Deseo, in 1986, with his famous brother.

In the interview with the Financial Times , Pedro Almodovar said that his next film will be a return to cinema of great female protagonists and will be a powerful drama


“The script is finished and I’ll shoot in April, “said the filmmaker, who explained that focuses on the Casting , at the moment, which he described as” complicated “because what you have written no works with his “friends actors.”

The title of the future appointment is Silence because it is the central element that triggered the worst things that happen to the main female lead, highlighted Almodóvar.

In the same interview, revealed that offered direct Brokeback Mountain , but had “many doubts”.

“Thinking about it I do not know if I made a mistake or not,” he confessed before indicating that rejected the project, although promised “full artistic freedom “because it was a story” very physical “.


Found in Egyptian tomb of an unknown pharaoh –

The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities announced Sunday the discovery, near Cairo, from a tomb of a queen of the V Pharaonic dynasty (2500-2350 BC.), Which until now are unaware of its existence.

This new Pharaoh called Jintakus III and in the reliefs on the walls of the tomb is identified as “the wife of the king” and “the mother of the king” .

The Minister of Antiquities, Mamdouh to Damati said in a statement that 24 burial statuettes and utensils were found limestone and four copper, which make up the grave goods.

The tomb was found by a Czech archaeological mission in collaboration with the Egyptian ministry in the area of ​​Abu Sir, southwest of Cairo.

The head of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Miroslav Barta said that the discovery of this tomb has revealed an unknown part of the history of the V dynasty, and confirmed the importance of women in court. He added that could make studies on the pedigree of this queen.

The tomb is located in a small cemetery southeast of the funeral collection called King Ra nephrotic Ef, which was discovered in the nineties.

This has led experts to suggest that Jintakus III may be the wife of Ra nephrotic Ef, of which very little information, and the mother of Pharaoh Menkahur. On March 24, Czech archaeologists also discovered in Abu Sir sarcophagus and mummy of a high priest of the V Dynasty, identified as Nefer.

The area of ​​Abu Sir, close the esplanade of the Pyramids of Giza, was part of the necropolis of the ancient city of Memphis. Its most important monuments are the temples of the Sun and the funerary complex of the pyramid of King Sahura, and other places of worship and tombs of noble personages of the time.



Discover tomb of unknown pharaoh in Egypt –

She was found by Czech archaeologists in the necropolis of Abu Sir, southeast of Cairo

The Egyptian government reported that archaeologists unearthed the tomb of an unknown queen who reigned during the V Dynasty pharaohs 4,500 years ago.

The Minister of Antiquities of Egypt said that the tomb was discovered by Czech archaeologists in the necropolis of Abu Sir, southeast of Cairo.

The woman was identified by inscriptions on his tomb as “Jintakus III” and the reliefs on the walls of the tomb is identified as “Woman King” and “the mother of the king”.

This led experts to suggest that Jintakus III may be the wife of Ra nephrotic Ef, of which very little information, and the mother of Pharaoh Menkahur.

In the excavations were also discovered thirty utensils limestone and copper as part of funerary equipment.

The head of the Czech experts said the finding will shed light on unknown aspects of the V Dynasty (2500-2350 BC), which together with the IV witnessed the construction of the first pyramids


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Are new documents on Miguel de Cervantes – El Colombiano

Two new unpublished documents found in the Archivo de Indias in Seville provide data on tax revenue collection activity to supply, among others, American ships were to held in the sixteenth century by Miguel de Cervantes .

The author of Don Quixote was tax collector in the province of Seville (southern Spain) and for the first time, documents found what officially located in the towns of Osuna, Morón and Villamartin (Cadiz).

The documents have been found by the researcher José Cabello Núñez , municipal archivist of La Puebla de Cazalla (Sevilla), keeping track of other four papers on the author of Don Quixote, one of them with autógrafo- already located and were released last year.

The first documents found now the order of payment signed on 9 November 1593 by Cristobal de Barros , General provider Indies Fleet, led to the payer Francisco de Agüero , for this surrender to “commissioner” Miguel de Cervantes the amount of 19,200 maravedies (currency of the time).

That amount was the salary that Cervantes was to receive 48 days which dealt among the February 21 and 28 April 1593- shows wheat and barley municipalities in the district of Seville for the provision of the Navy and the galleons Fleet Race Indies.

According Hair Núñez, the importance of these new documents is that it is the first time that the towns of Osuna, Morón de la Frontera and Villamartin are cited in official documents of the time as places subject to personal visit Cervantes.

Chapter 49 the second part of Don Quixote, whose fourth centenary this year, entitled “What happened to Sancho Panza prowling his island,” Cervantes mentions partridges of Moron, “which certainly had to taste the celebrated visit in 1593 “according Hair Núñez.

In 2015 Cervantes experts hope to determine where the remains of the teacher of literature.


TS Eliot is remembered as a poetic icon of the twentieth century – Weather


Eliot was a poet, essayist and playwright

Eliot was a poet, essayist and playwright Photo: File

London .- The January 4, 1965 died the Anglo-American writer TS Eliot, one of the great poets of the twentieth century choosing land of their ancestors, England, to secure a career that earned him the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1948.

Thomas Stearns Eliot, known as TS Eliot, emigrated to England in 1914 , at age 25, after giving his first literary steps in Missouri (USA), his birthplace and where his passion for the world of letters began at an early age.

Although there are not any events scheduled for the fiftieth anniversary of his death, is expected to lovers of his poems come close to Westminster Abbey in London, where he has a memorial stone in the “corner poets “.

Established in London

essayist, poet, playwright and literary critic, Eliot wrote some of the most famous poems in English as” The Waste Land “,” The Hollow Men “and” Ash Wednesday “in addition to plays like” Murder in the Cathedral “.

Other works were renamed “The first choir Rock,” “The Book of Practical Cats” or “Four Quartets.”

When you receive the most prestigious award of literature, the Nobel committee noted that TS Eliot was honored for his “outstanding and pioneering contribution to the poetry of today.”

Born into a family of English roots, as his grandfather had emigrated to the USA, writer (1888-1965) was attracted by the literature since influenced boy, according to his biographers, the problems derived from an inguinal hernia that was impossible to do sports with other children. Instead of socializing, spent hours reading, absorbed adventure books such as Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain.

He studied Latin, ancient Greek, French and German in their home country. He studied philosophy at Harvard College from 1906 to 1909 and, a year later went to Paris to study philosophy at the Sorbonne, where he met renowned writers before winning a scholarship to study at Merton College of English University of Oxford in 1914, at a time when the country was plunged into the First World War.

In London, Eliot met the influential poet and essayist Ezra Pound, who helped him to be promoted among the circle of poets, in addition to reviewing his famous poem “The Waste Land.”

It was also in London where he married his first wife, Vivienne Haigh-Wood, although the relationship was plagued by constant ups and downs of her health problems. They separated in 1932 although they never divorced.

This strained marital relationship was brought to the big screen in the movie “Tom and Viv” (1994), directed by Brian Gilbert and starring Willem Dafoe and Miranda Richardson. had a second marriage, but none concebió children. He died at his home in London’s Kensington emphysema and, following his wishes, his ashes were scattered in East Coker, Somerset village.


Haráun Almodóvar film in Silence – The Universal

 London / Madrid.- The next film by director Pedro Almodóvar already has a title: as revealed by the Spanish filmmaker in an interview with the Financial Times, Silence will be called simply because it is “the main element that guides most things happen to the protagonist. ”


 She told the newspaper on Friday the winner of two Oscars (for the film All About My Mother and Talk to Her), the script of the film is ready and shooting will begin in April.


 “We are in the process of casting, which is complicated because what I wrote not work too well with my actor friends,” the Spanish filmmaker, who has earned a reputation in Hollywood for the emotional and existential tone of the films has shot in the last ten years.


 Apart from the title and date of start of the shooting of the film, Almodóvar only added that it is “a return to women’s film” after his madcap comedy I’m So Excited.


 Indeed, most of the work of Pedro Almodóvar is a plea on the paradoxes of female existence. With this premise was how broke in his early years, first surprising to a Spain that came out of the Franco dictatorship and then to Latin American countries.


 Silence is a film “of great female characters and a drama that hits hard”, something that “wows” added the director, whose protagonists are even known as “girls Almodóvar”.


 The manchego filmmaker is currently in London promoting the musical version of his hit comedy late 80 Women o n the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown. After a brief stint in Broadway, this is coming to the West End of the British capital starring actress Tamsin Greig and directed by Bartlett Sher. Its release is scheduled for January 12.


Spain: Hallan unpublished documents biography of Cervantes – Venezolana de Television

Spain, January 3, 2014 .- Two new unpublished documents found in the Archivo de Indias in Seville provide data biographies of Miguel de Cervantes, on their revenue-raising activity in the ancient kingdom of Seville and, for the first time, place him officially in the towns of Osuna, Morón (Sevilla) and Villamartin (Cádiz).

The documents have been found by researcher José Cabello Núñez, municipal archivist of La Puebla de Cazalla (Sevilla), on the trail of four unpublished documents about the author of Don Quixote, one of them already autógrafo- he located and were released last year.

The first documents found now is the signed payment on November 9, 1593 by Christopher de Barros, General provider Fleet of Indians, led by Francisco de Agüero paying for it deliver to the Commissioner Miguel de Cervantes the amount of 19,200 maravedis.

That amount was the salary that was perceived by Cervantes 48 days to be held among the 21 February and 28 April 1593- shows wheat and barley municipalities in the district of Seville for the provision of the Navy and the galleons Fleet Race Indies.

Under the text of the payment order the second of the documents found, which is the full text of the commission given on February 21, 1593 by the provider generally referred literally transcribed to Commissioner Miguel de Cervantes, who is certified by Juan Saenz de Egoen, personal secretary to the supplier.

In the commission is directed to Cervantes, taking the upper hand of Justice and accompanied by his assistant and bizcochero Seville Juan Saenz de la Torre, with which appears related for the first time, go to the villages of Carmona, Utrera, Arahal, Morón de la Frontera, La Puebla de Cazalla, Marchena, Stops, Osuna and Villamartin.

And also empowered to go to cities, towns and villages of Andalusia who agreed to take 5,000 bushels of wheat with which to manufacture sponge, 500 bushels of barley for the carriers, 400 bushels of peas, 400 bushels of beans and 300 pounds of cheese to supply the Navy and the Indian fleet.

In this document the supplier considers an intelligent person Cervantes trusted to fulfill the commission is charged and exempt from the obligation to deliver grain to the poor or having little bread.

also orders in its letter to everyone , whatever their condition, state or quality, to help Cervantes in everything you ask them, the scribes and officers to use and exercise their offices as directed by the commissioner and the guards they had custody of prisoners deliver them. ZGM.


‘Silence’, the next film by Pedro Almodóvar – El Heraldo (Colombia)

Madrid, Spain. The next film by Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar be titled Silence.

In an interview with the Financial Times following the London premiere of the musical Women on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown, Pedro Almodóvar this newspaper revealed some details on his next film, which were confirmed by his brother told Efe.

The project is in “preliminary stage” and in a month or two is widely inform all said the producer Agustín Almodóvar, founder along with the famous director of the production company El Deseo, in 1986.

After the collapse of Kika in 1993, his career did not reach a success until 1999, with the international impact of All About My Mother, which won numerous awards worldwide, including the first Oscar in the category of Best Foreign Language Film.

In the end, the Hollywood Academy ruled Mondays in the Sun in 2002, Fernando Leon de Aranoa, as a finalist for that category, and instead rewarded with an Oscar for best screenplay for Talk to Her, and Almodóvar ran also in the category of Best Director.

In the interview with the Times Fiancial, Pedro Almodóvar said his next film will be a return to cinema of great female protagonists and will be a powerful drama.

“The script is finished and will shoot in April,” said film director and explained that right now is focused on casting, what he said is “complicated because what you have written does not work with his fellow actors,” he said.

The title is Silent because it is the central element that triggered the worst things that happen to the female lead, highlighted Almodóvar.

In the same interview, Pedro Almodóvar revealed that offered direct Brokeback Mountain, but had “little doubt”.

“Thinking about it I do not know if I made a mistake or not,” he confessed before indicating that rejected the project, although promised “full artistic freedom, because it was a very physical history.”


Saturday, January 3, 2015

SPAIN: Death Angel Miguel Ferrer, director of “Another move” – ​​EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; policy | Posted on Friday, January 2, 2015
SPAIN: Death of Miguel Angel Ferrer, <- - AUGURE_TITULO_INICIO!> director of “Another move”

This article has been read 1189 times

La Razon / The mood in our country mourns these days. Miguel Angel Ferrer, director and screenwriter of various entertainment programs, was killed in a domestic accident last December 30. The incident occurred in a family house in Saint Laurent de Cerdans, in the French Pyrenees, where Ferrer could die from poisoning by carbon monoxide due to a “bad burning fireplace ‘noted’ Le Figaro ‘. Ferrer, who now worked as deputy director of “The Friday Show” was introduced on television as spaces of humor, like “The Informal” screenwriter. He also directed “Another move”, which aired on Neox, and “the just nonsense” in Four. Dani Martínez, whom the writer shot to fame, said goodbye to his Twitter account: “We Gone Miguel Angel Ferrer. Director of ” Nonsense, the Fair ”, ” Otra Movida ”, the third of the trio … Goodby e friend. ” To this other characters showbiz as Carlos Latre, Manel Fuentes or Miki Nadal, who also wanted to leave their tokens of affection and family support in social networks.

align with Information La Razon


‘Silence’ is the new film by Pedro Almodóvar – Al Momento News

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 DOCU_GRUPO Spanish Director Almodovar attends the Museum of Modern Art's fourth annual Film Benefit in New York MADRID , SPAIN; January 3 ( Al Momento News ) .- The following Spanish film director Pedro Almodóvar is called “Silence” and is at the preliminary stage.

So the director to British newspaper The Financial Times, which stated that his project will be a powerful drama and will return to the cinema of great female protagonists reported by

During the interview., the director said that the script is finished, so the project was filmed in April.

In the interview, Almodóvar said the casting was closed and called it complicated, because the script does not work with traditional protagonists.

The Spanish named his new movie like Silence “because it is the main element that guides the worst things that happen to the main character.”

Pedro Almodóvar premiered in 1980 his first feature known as Pepi, Lucy, Bom and Other Girls Like Mom; with silence, the filmmaker makes a radical change in the genre of his latest film, Passenger lovers, as it passes from comedy to drama.



‘Silence’, Almodóvar’s new film –

The-winning Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar, stated that his next film will be a powerful drama. NTX / FILE

  • Almodóvar starts preparing his next film
  • Pedro Almodóvar film received the Nobel
  • still waiting Tarantino’s best film Almodóvar

    • The tape starts filming in April
    • The filmmaker refused to send ‘Brokeback Mountain’
    • Although the script has been completed, the project is in the preliminary phase

    MADRID, SPAIN (03 / JAN / 2015) .- The next film by Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar be titled ‘Silence’ and is in “preliminary stage”, the brother of filmmaker Agustín Almodóvar said today.

    In an interview with Financial Times following the London premiere of the musical ‘Women on the Verge of a nervous breakdown ‘, Pedro Almodóvar revealed to this newspaper a few details about his next feature, which were now confirmed by his brother told.

    The project is in “preliminary stage” and in a month or two

    is widely inform all said the producer Agustín Almodóvar, founder along with the famous director of the production company El Deseo, in 1986. In the interview with the Financial Times, Pedro Almodóvar said his next film will be a return to cinema of great female protagonists and will be a powerful drama.

    “The script is finished and will shoot in April,” said film director explained that currently focuses on the ‘casting’, what he said is “complicated” because what you have written does not work with his “friends actors.”

    The title is ‘Silence’ because it is the central element that triggered the worst things that happen to the main female lead, highlighted Almodóvar.

    In the same interview, Pedro Almodóvar revealed that offered direct ‘Brokeback Mountain’ ( Brokeback Mountain ), but he had “little doubt”.

    “Thinking about it I do not know if I made a mistake or not,” confessed before indicating that rejected the project, although promised “full artistic freedom” because it was a “very physical” story.


    Almodovar next film is called “Silence” and is being … – Caracol Radio

    Madrid, Jan 3 (EFE) .- The next film by Spanish director Pedro Almodovar’s “Silence” will be titled and is in “preliminary stage,” the filmmaker’s brother, Agustin Almodovar told Efe.

    In an interview with the “Financial Times” following the London premiere of the musical “Women on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown”, Pedro Almodóvar revealed to this newspaper a few details about his next feature, which were today confirmed its brother told Efe.

    The project is in “preliminary stage” and in a month or two is widely inform all said the producer Agustín Almodóvar, founder along with the famous director of the producer’s Desire, in 1986.

    In the interview with the “Financial Times”, Pedro Almodovar stated that his next film will be a return to cinema of great female protagonists and will be a powerful drama.

    “The script is finished and will shoot in April,” said film director explained that right now is focused on the “casting” what is said “complicated” because what you have written does not work with their “actor friends.”

    The title is “Silence” because it is the central element that triggered the worst things that happen to the main female lead, highlighted Almodóvar.

    In same interview Pedro Almodovar revealed that offered direct “Brokeback Mountain” but had “little doubt”.

    “Thinking about it I do not know if I made a mistake or not,” confessed before indicating that rejected the project, although promised “full artistic freedom” because it was a “very physical” story. EFE


    Project: Pedro Almodóvar returns to female drama Silence –

    Project: Pedro Almodóvar returns to female drama Silence
    The Spanish director confirmed that readies the script and is in the cast of his next film, which will begin filming in April with prominence of several women.

    Published 01/03/2015

    At age 65, the legendary filmmaker traveled to London to attend the premiere of the musical Women on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown (adaptation of his 1988 film) and chatted with daily Financial Times , interview in which he revealed that his next film will be called Silence : “It is the main element that causes the worst things that happen to the protagonist,” explains

    Almodóvar is in the process of casting.. “It’s very complicated because what is written not work too well with my friends actresses” he says. “It’s a return to women’s film is a drama that hits hard and that excites me,” he added, after passing not entirely achieved by male comedy with I’m So Excited .

    full story here


    Auction enter the two luxury jets remembered singer Elvis … – LaRepú

    Two luxury private jets owned the remembered ‘King of Rock & amp; Roll ‘, Elvis Presley, will be auctioned.
    The jets that were designed by Presley was jointly offer to stakeholders and could be worth between 10 and 15 million dollars, according to Beverly Hills auction firm.

    Although aircraft are not airworthy, tourists have seen them at Graceland, the mansion-museum Presley in Memphis in Tennessee, during the last three decades.

    Presley bought the Convair 880 aircraft to Delta Air Lines in 1975, two years before his death, at age 42, for $ 250,000 and gave him the name ‘Lisa Marie’, in honor of his daughter.

    The singer spent more than $ 300,000 in furnishing the aircraft, gold panning, a bedroom, a conference room and video playback system connected to four television screens.

    While the plane was in the process of redecorating, the singer bought the ‘Hound Dog II’, a Lockheed Jetstar that can carry eight to ten passengers, for about $ 900,000.

    Buyer both aircraft may also purchase a land adjacent to Graceland to expose the machines.


    Friday, January 2, 2015

    Jamie Dornan defends his film – La Prensa Grafica

    The film adaptation of the bestselling erotic novels “50 Shades of Grey”, written by EL James, no premieres until February, but it has to deal with more than one controversy. The actor Jamie Dornan, who plays the protagonist, Christian Grey, a millionaire with unusual sexual tastes, denied in an interview that the film (and, incidentally, novels) deserves to be labeled a misogynist.

    “I can understand what people say they tie a woman and beat her is misogynist … But in reality, there are more men than women submissive. Very powerful men, “Dornan, which was documented for visiting sex clubs paper said. “It’s much bigger than I imagined: almost any city in the world you can think people want the whipped with a paddl e with spikes”. The actor, however, did not hesitate to heat the social networks with a provocative image.

    Dornan, who signed a clause not to appear naked in the film, has insisted on more than one occasion that the tape will bet for suggesting instead of offering very graphic scenes.

    “The love story is more important than the appearance of BDSM (acronym summarizing sexual practices such as bondage, discipline, dominance, submission and sadism and masochism) . That is, we will tell a story of love, “he said.


    The 5 most anticipated film premieres 2015 – Chilevision

    Holywood are trying to regain blockbuster brings classic sagas of movie . Hungry dinosaurs, interstellar travel at high speed and explosion star in the selection of films that give you below

    50 Shades of Grey. To be released on February 14, the history of seductive Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele takes the big screen. Based on the novels of EL James and starring Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson in major roles, this romance for adults promises to break box office records.

    Fast and Furious 7: The history of fast cars and was hit rough men after the death of one of the protagonists, Paul Walker. Nevertheless, with the help of the brothers of the deceased actor, the final part of the series premiere on April 3 this year in national cinemas. One of the biggest attractions is the inclusion of actor Jason Statham as the main villain of delivery

    Avengers, The Age of Ultron. Based on the comics of Marvel , a new installment of the alliance between the strongest superhero in the world comes to national cinemas. Thor, Hulk, Iron Man and Captain America will face Ultron, one of the most ruthless villains. Is due for release on May 1

    Jurassic World. It opens on June 12 after 21 years of the release of the first installment. It is the fourth film in the series, will star Chris Pratt and directed by Colin Trevorrow.

    Star Wars VII, The Awakening of force: The seventh band’s most famous saga of the world will be released December 18 this year. With its original protagonists and direction of JJ Abrams relieving George Lucas , the story of Jedi and Sith intends to return to the locker



    Jamie Dornan defends 50 Shades of Grey! –

    Jamie Dornan defends 50 Shadows Grey!

    50 Shades of Grey have a high sexual content, and may have been Jamie Dornan paths very dirty, but what is sure shell Christian Grey is that it’s not a misogynist tape.

    “I can understand why people say that bind a woman and beat her is misogynist. But in reality, there are more submissive men than women. In any city you can think of, there are people who likes to get spanked, “he confessed in an interview with ELLE magazine.

    For the actor, 50 Shades of Grey should be taken as a film about love, romance, not on what happens in the bedroom Christian Grey , much less about your sex life.

    Jamie Dornan defends 50 Shades of Grey!

    ALSO READ: Jamie Dornan did something SO DIRTY 50 Shadows took baths hours

    “The love story is more important than the appearance of sadomasochism. Ie going to tell a love story, it’s not just what happens in the Red Room, the film is not about that,” said . Dornan

    Jamie also talked about his work and the challenge facing fame: “you do for that one person (paparazzi) No waiting in a bush outside your house with a camera. It is not that why you’re an actor, I just can not do an office job, I’m no good for it. “

    The most important film only you’ll have to Twitter:EsmasCine, where you can also give us your opinion about this or other press. We leave the gallery “The virtual relationships are better than the real thing, right?” , do not miss it!
