Friday, November 21, 2014

The Broken: “Humans are the Flood” – RTVE

enlarge  Cover of & quot; The Green Book 'by The Broken

Cover of” The Green Book ??, in The Broken Reservoir Books

enlarge  Page & quot; The Green Book 'El Roto

Page” Green Book ?? El Roto Reservoir Books

enlarge  Page & quot; The Green Book 'El Roto

Page of “The Green Book of The Broken ?? Reservoir Books

Andres Rabago Garcia (Madrid, 1947)

cartoonist, cartoonist, writer, designer and painter. Self-taught, in 1968 began publishing cartoons and illustrations for magazines such as Brother Wolf, though he continued to work later in numerous print media such as The Estafeta Literary, The Quail, Triumph Notebooks for Dialogue, The Independent or Ajoblanco. In 1978 he began his collaboration with magazines adult comics like Totem, Thursday, The Crow or Madriz and continued to publish in print media as Journal 16, Change 16, Time, El Periódico de Catalunya, Information, Town or The Leaf on Monday. Currently published in the newspaper El Pais. Among his many awards was the National Illustration, achieved in 2012


García Andrés Rabago , also known as “El Roto” leads being one of the best analysts of today through their daily cartoons several years the newspaper Country , for which it makes an annual gathering. After Bullets for a crisis, shrimp that falls asleep (takes the current view ) and To each his own reaches its new, and essential, compilation: The Green Book (Reservoir Books), in which he expresses concern about environmental degradation and presented in a suitable place, the Botanical Garden of Madrid.

“In the book r eflejo loss of sense of the sacred, of life, of nature , and only seems to make economic sense and it assures their degradation is inevitable. We use only to benefit the world , no matter who we trade with Life. And we should preserve that wealth at all costs. “

” To have a clean environment, the first thing is that our minds are clean , because contamination of those minds is what occurs outside contamination, which is what I outline in this book. And it can also be seen in the picture on the cover, a spring flowing into the mind of a man who symbolizes the relationship between man and nature and how our behavior, You can help protect or harm the environment . “

” The Bible threatens us with the Flood, but we, the human species, are the Flood . “

We must be aware of the problem

” To avoid the degradation of the planet continues The rotors the first and most important is aware of the situation , because it seems that we are asleep or pending things like phones. We spend our lives typing games and other things while we miss what is around us, what is happening in the world. We must be aware of truth, where we are and where we want to be We are unaware of what the artificiality of our lives today, technology is based “

.” – Andres says. If they really are the roots of life . It seems to suffer a collective hypnosis preventing us see nature in its immensity and beauty . “

“Sometimes we complain about the degradation of the world but does not do anything to change . And it is a mistake because, as I said, we create the reality around us, We are co-authors and makers of that reality . And we have to start reacting. “

The Broken confesses that” I really care about water , which I dedicate many vignettes in this book. I even rode an exhibition in Zaragoza. For example, I love to watch the fish and were previously in any river. But now have almost disappeared from our rivers and seems nobody cares . And it seems to me a subject of infinite gravity . As the issue of the possible privatization of Canal de Isabel II. I’ve been to a demonstration against and there were eighty people. How is that possible? “.

” I also fixed in trees Madrid he continues, and I found that all have tumors , less bananas. Not sure why will be possibly by poor logging, but am sorry to see them. “

Poet reflective mood

The Broken, which I could almost be defined as the poet of humor reflective, comes back to show your mastery to reflect the world we rode with irony and, above all, to make us think, “I’m trying to have the drawings plastic richness and various readings, that are poetry and art , apart from the satirical and reflective component. “

” Plus continues Andres The Green Book intended to be a book of Santos, images that enrich the message and at the same time having a quality, which I consider my brand plasticity. So they are not a perishable but have permanence beyond today

But environmental pollution is not the only thing that worries Roto.” Also information pollution difficult something as important as the ability to think . The information is selected, something fundamental they should handle the media and what we have failed. We do not convey much information are able to maintain their credibility as tools for understanding reality

Internet also convinces him:”… The new media have no credibility not show documents that remain are not reliable because not consult sources, and information is now online tomorrow may have disappeared without explanation or charge . “

” I do not Worth the cartoon “

” I think the reality is something to interpret -comenta Rábago-, and satire support this interpretation. When the powers that be do not want to understand things create a committee of experts to speak to us of how complicated things are. While satire goes to the essence , presents the synthesis of things to understand them better . And that’s what I try through the combination of image and text. “

” Satire is a conglomeration of elements that reflects the social situation or the facts, it is also a filter that deformed to be lighter . Try to present the obvious. Although it is increasingly difficult in a world that tends to embrollarlo all day. “

I do not care caricature adds the rotors, when I speak of public office drawing people anonymous and even put back. My interest is to reflect what’s behind those politicians, those dark entities introduced into public figures to act through them. “

” I try to escape from the immediate “

As for his drawings, Andrew says: “He has a desire to escape the immediate, of a particular time and closed to reality wider. Also, try drawings have different layers . They are testimonies of an era but also to have a read elsewhere or at other times. “

” What’s usually cost me the vignettes is the idea, then I capture on paper and Most importantly have spontaneity , to breathe. “

” As far as color continues the rotors, I use very little and meaningful detail to highlight some it is not free. Nor do I like new technology, I prefer my drawings have the traditional type of paper and hand . “

” For example, colors digitized are much poorer that the colors made with pastel, watercolor, colored pencils. In a single stroke have more variation than a whole array of computer colors. Sometimes the color to use drawings have more presence “.


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