The philosopher Emilio Lledo, this morning in Madrid. / Samuel Sanchez
Some features reveal philosophers. They are presented with questions. They speak of the ancient Greeks as if it were his gang neighborhood. Distinguish grain (culture) straw (technology). Often, to be free, do not carry mobile. Emilio Lledo (Seville, 1927) won yesterday’s National Prize for Literature for his long literary career as an intellectual and ethical framework, but did not received word from the Ministry of Culture, but in an interview with this newspaper because Lledo, philosopher where they exist, does not mobile, “I have more freedom”
Among overwhelmed and happy, academia took hold of humor. “That means you are so old they’re saying ‘we’re going to fire sympathetically to this man. ” The institutional recognition, which he gratefully accepted it arrived at the headquarters of the Association of Editors of Madrid, which has been awarded this year Antonio de Sancha award for his commitment to culture and literature. And in addition to that collected in November in Mexico, after being awarded the first International Essay Prize Pedro Henríquez Ureña, and that only a month ago, he was awarded in Getafe Black (Jose Luis Sampedro). “I go to the Guinness” joked yesterday in the halls of the association, where he arrived to discuss a prize and where he finished talking about another
Emilio Lledo, upon receiving news of the National Prize for Literature. / Samuel Sanchez
Lledo Days of glory, which already has a long string (Alexander Von award Humboldt German Government or National Literature by Silence of writing , among others). Nothing to do with certain setbacks suffered by the thinker in the past ninguneado ‘was in 1987 when he opted to the Chair of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy at the University Complutense- with sad or fifty days preceding his departure for Heidelberg-where skeletal arrived 53 kilos, much less with the intense days of childhood, fluctuating between pleasure (reading) and terror (bombings). “But I was happy in the war because I learned to read. I had a teacher in Vicálvaro made us read a couple of times per week the Don Quixote and then we asked for reading suggestions. Should be taught to read and to love reading. Technology is an aid to the culture, but do not think it has anything to do with education, “said
The philosopher, after receiving news of the award. / samuel sanchez
Perhaps because Lledo understands philosophy as “critical consciousness of their time” It goes against some mantras which extend as oil. “Bilingualism in schools makes me a little nervous. No. What is needed are monolingual schools that teach other languages well. ” “Obsessed with youth living is the most terrible way to lose.” “True wealth is culture. It sounds cliche, but true. ” It also says it does not say everything you think “because maybe insulted.” But it’s hard to believe. Lledo is a good-humored wise, that only hardens the look when he is asked about the health of the country. “The dictatorship had hoped that this would change, and we are now in the territory of that hope and often hopeless.”
The Greek philosopher lover returns to claim them as the backbone of decency a healthy society. I greatly dislike what is happening in the political world, but Lledo, which for half a century spread philosophy in colleges and faculties (La Laguna, Barcelona and UNED), is an optimistic fighter, who refuses to give battles lost. “Politics is the administration of justice, education and culture generously”
“I am the same as with a cardboard suitcase went broke
to Germany “
During his early years as a teacher of History of Philosophy wrote nothing. “Neither was I going through my head, did nothing to prepare classes. I loved that you create a social space. ” No books used in the classroom, but in time he would eventually generate some essential Spanish texts of contemporary thought: Memory of logos , The Groove Time , Language and . story or Memory of ethics
Now is engaged in an essay on the affections: “I wish I could bring something new albeit tiny. Affects have no grammar and philology, but that gives you strength and freedom. You should think of the grammar of the affections so that love does not turn into hatred or friendship into enmity. The principle of loving relationships that we start with the emotional relationship with ourselves. And it forces you to improve yourself, struggle to look in the mirror and not be ashamed. ” Something the philosopher has: “By age is a time when you think you are few newscasts, but that saddens me at all because I think I’m the same as with a suitcase cardboard broke at the border I went to Germany. I look in the mirror and not ashamed. “
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