Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Emilio Lledo stands with the National Prize for Literature – Infoactualidad

Photo: EFE

Emilio Lledo Tuesday received the National Award for` Letras’ granted by the Ministry of Education, in recognition of his extensive contribution to Spanish literature. The jury highlighted the contribution of its own philosophical path where the ancient knowledge reinforces knowing this.

The Ministry of Education has awarded the ‘National Literature Award 2014′ Emilio Lledo the Spanish philosopher, who has learned of his appointment during the press conference held at the headquarters of the Publishers Association of Madrid, while receiving `Sancha’ Antonio.

Lledo, author of works such as The report of the Logos ; The Silence of Writing or The groove of time, where topics such as beauty, happiness, silence, or the importance of reading are discussed, focusing all his philosophical attention language, as the author acknowledges as “the biggest virtue that enables man to delve into philosophy.” The philosopher also contends that “history is a collective memory that should not be analyzed in isolation from the society in which it occurs and language use that structure.”

Composed of prominent personalities and the prizewinners in the previous two years, Francisco Rodriguez and Luis Goytisolo Adrados on, the jury awarded the Spanish philosopher “for his thought and extensive work, which blends philosophy Logos , hermeneutics, aesthetic and ethical value of words, the defense of freedom and claimed the teaching vocation. “

received this award in recognition of all the literary work of a Spanish writer and is worth 40,000 euros. It is considered the most important prize of Spain, along with ‘Cervantes’ Prize, which rewards the recognition of all the literary works of a Hispanic writer .


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